10 Must-See Star Wars Birthday Cakes

by Jillian Leslie on

10 Must-See Star Wars Birthday Cakes -- Great inspiration for your Star Wars party! | CatchMyParty.com

Today we’re sharing ten must-see Star Wars birthday cakes from Star Wars parties on our site.

My husband already bought our tickets to the new Star Wars movie. That’s how excited we are at my house!

I hope these cakes get you as inspired and excited as we are.

If you’re planning a Star Wars party, check out these free Star Wars printablesStar Wars party ideas, and Star Wars party supplies from our site.

1. Star Wars Do Vitor

Star Wars Dessert| CatchMyParty.com

2. Jedi Academy

Star Wars Dessert| CatchMyParty.com

3. Star Wars Episode VIII

Star Wars Dessert| CatchMyParty.com

4. Star Wars Party

Star Wars Cake | CatchMyParty.com

5. Star Wars Party

Star Wars Cake | CatchMyParty.com

6. Padawan Zac

Star Wars Party Cake | CatchMyParty.com

7. Star Wars Training

Star Wars Party Cake | CatchMyParty.com

8. May the Fifth be with you

Star Wars Party Cake | CatchMyParty.com

9. Lego Star Wars

Star Wars Birthday Party Cake | CatchMyParty.com

10. Return of the Jedi Master

Star Wars Birthday Party Cake | CatchMyParty.com

For more inspiration, check out these Star Wars parties, free Star Wars printables, Star Wars party ideas, and Star Wars party supplies from our site.


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