Search results for Old School
Lemon Garlic Aioli Recipe
I once saw a cooking show where an old French woman in Provence made this amazing homemade aioli using just five ingredients (garlic, lemon, salt, egg yolk, and olive oil) and a mortar and pestle. What she was doing looked so effortless and old-school. And it looked so delicious when she was done. I knew someday I'd have to try it, to see if it actually was that effortless and delicious.
If you know me, you know I love cooking with the freshest ingredients. So off to the farmer's market I went to get my garlic and lemon for the aioli, and my tomatoes, basil, and rustic rye bread for the sandwich.
Spicy Habañero Chimichurri Recipe
This is my favorite way to eat hot dogs, as a grilled hot dog sandwich topped with our delicious spicy habañero chimichurri recipe!
Originally from Argentina, chimichurri is a marinade usually made from parsley, olive oil, garlic, and lemon juice that adds a zing of flavor to all kinds of meat.
Hello everyone – it’s Melissa from My Party Passion – continuing with my series on Mini Parties On a Budget! Today I want to share with you the Earth Day Celebration I threw for my kids on a budget of virtually zero! Impossible? Well, I used all elements from our home and bought nothing new. Talk about recycling and reusing!
TRENDS: Little Kid Rockstar Parties
A new trend I've noticed on our site is rockstar parties for little kids (even not-yet-born kids). Of course I had to show off these rad parties! I love all the energy and excitement. Take a look...
Kara T's Our Little Rockstar Is 2 party
{PARTY ON A BUDGET} Money Saving Ideas for Throwing a Fun Fall Party
Melissa Newell from My Party Passion, and our budget party contributor, is back with some easy tips on how to save money while throwing a terrific fall party! Take it away Melissa...
It’s fall! Oh how I love fall... the crisp air, the warm bonfires, the jeans and sweaters! I think fall might be the EASIEST season to style a party on a budget! There are so many outside elements that can be used for hosting the perfect fall gathering and most cost pennies!
Some of My Favorite Parties of the Year!
These parties are in no particular order. They are all beautiful, inspiring, interesting, and they make me gasp, even for a moment. Thank you everyone for adding them to our main site. What a year it's been!
Linda V's Ava's Tea Party in the Park