
Party Recap

We had set the party up in the backyard the day before, only to have flash flooding. We changed it to be an indoor party with most activities on the deck.

The kids were all familiar with Minecraft and had a ball! They LOVED hitting the hanging boxes with their swords and they really enjoyed digging for gems with their pickaxes! The party was a huge success and so much fun!


Party Highlights

  • What People Ate

    A big variety of party food! Sausage rolls, party pies, mini quiches, savoury bread cases, mini wraps, cheese platter, chips and dips, cookies, mars bar slice, neenish tarts etc

  • What People Drank

    I made a potion station where I relabelled some soft drink containers and filled a dispenser with Lemonade so they could make their own creations! There was a sign with what they needed to mix to create certain potions. I also provided water, juice, soft drinks and alcoholic beverages for the parents.

  • Desserts

    There was a mix of cake and slices and muffins etc

  • Party Favors

    I bought the cardboard cake boxes and printed a box texture from my computer. I then cut and pasted it to look like the treasure boxes you find. Inside were an assortment of goodies I'd sourced online or made myself. They were huge hits! As well as the boxes, I made a little weapon pack for them to use during the party (that they kept). Inside was a Minecraft sword and pickaxe that my husband had cut from MDF and I had painted. I also had mini dart guns with 2 darts.

  • Activities / Games

    I made a number of activities that they could play at their leisure: Creeper Toss: I made bean bags from felt in the form of Minecraft objects. I painted some MDF to look like Creepers and had my husband cut out the eyes and mouth. I assigned points to these. Creeper shoot out - I covered a number of cans in green paper and drew on Creeper faces. I also covered randomly sized boxes and created a 'scene' where they tried to shoot the Creepers. Bow and Arrow - I bought two bow and arrows and then painted up some targets for them to hit. We strung them between the posts and assigned points to them. Hit the baddie - I covered three cardboard boxes to look like Minecraft baddies and the kids could swipe at them with their Minecraft swords. Originally it was going to be part of an obstacle course, along with the bow and arrow shoot game, but it was too wet to proceed. As it was, the kids had a ball with this and LOVED hitting the boxes! Mine for gems - since so much of Minecraft is mining for gems, I bought some white and blue 'diamonds' (homewares decorations) and buried them in the sandpit. The kids had to use their pickaxe to dig for the gems. They really loved doing this! Hama Beads - I printed out some patterns of Minecraft symbols and left a table set up with plates. This was the surprising hit with the kids really enjoying working their designs! My husband went and ironed them as they finished them. Pinata - we got a treasure chest piƱata to look like the boxes you crack open in Minecraft



  • MeganWark86

    MeganWark86 wrote:

    Where did you get the labels for the items and those small individual baggies?

  • Leanne N

    Leanne N wrote:

    I made them with Photoshop - I just searched for the various parts that made up the images on the Internet

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    Sarah D wrote:

    Where did you get the banner with his picture on it?

  • Becky B

    Becky B wrote:

    Would you be able to email me the Minecraft food labels. Thank you. [email protected]

  • Maritza M

    Maritza M wrote:

    can you email me the food labels? [email protected] thank you!

  • Ashley G

    Ashley G wrote:

    Do you have the files to share for printables

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    Nicole P wrote:

    Can you email me the Minecraft snack table printables? [email protected] Thanks!

  • Aide O

    Aide O wrote:

    How can I print the boxes?

  • Leanne N

    Leanne N wrote:

    I just searched the net for minecraft box templates I think. I printed the files from the results I found.

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    Sara B wrote:

    Amazing party...What is this in the picture?

  • Leanne N

    Leanne N wrote:

    It's jelly - blue lemonade flavour

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    Alex D wrote:

    could you send me the labels pls?

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    Laura G wrote:

    Can you email me the food labels? [email protected] Thank you!