{Party on a Budget} Ideas for Serving Summer Snacks

by Jillian Leslie on

Melissa Newell from My Party Passion and our new budget party contributor, has written about inexpensive ways to serve summer snacks. Some great ideas here so take it away, Melissa!

Summer time means fun outdoor parties!  You don’t have to break the bank to find creative ways to serve food at your party!  Here are some examples of budget friendly way to serve snacks at your next party.

Create a “snack shack” using inexpensive beach buckets and shovels. I used little Dixie Cups for our young guests to fill up and keep refilling.  BONUS TIP:  Put out a sharpie pen for the kids to write their names on their individual cups so they can reuse them and you save on paper goods!

Keeping the bugs away from your food is important during summer parties. Standing there swishing them away all day is not in the plans! You can find these large food tents at stores now and they’re very inexpensive!

Or maybe using individual paper food containers is your thing. These are very handy for serving salads, fruits, and more.

If you are like me, you want to reuse all your party gear as much as possible to get the best bang for your buck!

These push pops are EVERYWHERE now and inexpensive to purchase!  Instead of using them just for sweet treats, why not put your fruit in them?  Put them on ice and the kids can come and grab a healthy snack when they want – keeping them cold is the key!

Again, no buggies feasting on your fruit either! BONUS TIP:  Freeze these babies with some grapes and break em out on a HOT DAY – kids will love ya!

I hope I have inspired you to be creative in your next outdoor Summer party!  Next month I will be sharing some tips for throwing a fun backyard party for your kids using dollar store noodles!  Until then – Party On Friends!

For additional  budget ideas, visit Melissa at My Party Passion and find her on Facebook or Twitter.




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    Tara Lynn wrote:

    Great ideas! I love the use of the beach buckets!

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    Jen wrote:

    What a great way to have a summer party....I love the individual containers. I love the simple way you decorated them as well. If you are looking for fun printables for parties check out www.etsy.com/yellowlemons

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    Mrs. Mom wrote:

    Great ideas! Plus I love the decor.