Custom Bouquet Cascade Plum Lilac Sola Wood and Dried Flowers Greenery Eucalyptus Wedding Bridal Bridesmaid Gift Style 196Last Forever
ByProduct Info
💐1st Pictured Size Large Rounded
Flowers are uniquely made of Wood Shavings and Fillers are Dried and Preserved. These arrangements last forever! A Realistic, beautiful and unique alternative to real flowers!
Choose a Week of choice from my schedual. I suggest at least 2 Months before your wedding. I will send photos that week via message here on etsy before shipping for approval.
-12 Loose flowers are un-stemmed flowers
-12 Cake Flowers have short stems for arranging
Centerpiece Bouquet Sizes:
XS: is about 5" and for a mini arrangement for small vase or Pint sized Mason
Small is about 7" across and perfect for small 5-6" vase or Pint sized Mason
Medium is about 8" across and perfect for a Medium 7-8" vase or Quart Mason Jar
Large is about 9" across and perfect for a 9" vase