Posts in the ‘Christmas’ Category

4 Beautiful Christmas Parties You Must See!

by Jillian Leslie on

Beautiful Christmas parties |

Today, instead of my typical "4 Favorite Parties of the Week" post, I thought I'd share four of my favorite Christmas parties recently added to our site. There are so many amazing ideas here! There's gingerbread, cookie decorating, a rustic Christmas party and more!

Check out this fun party where the children decorate gingerbread houses, a red and gold rustic outdoor Christmas party in a California park, a cute Christmas dessert table party for kids, and a colorful and fun cookie decorating party for the holidays!

Christmas Ornament DIY Ideas

by Jillian Leslie on


I was invited by Tend to create a video, sharing some of my favorite Christmas ornament DIY ideas. I can't tell you how fun this was.

I headed to a cool DIY space in San Francisco called Workshop. They had everything set up there (including a makeup and hair person). Given that I spend most of my days in my office (garage), in my yoga pants, in front of my computer, it was such a change, and I felt like a real celebrity. Kim Kardashian, watch out!

Free Winter Wonderland Party Printables

by Jillian Leslie on

Free Winter Wonderland Party Printables |

Check out this adorable set of free Winter Wonderland party printables we're offering! These are perfect for a holiday party, winter birthday, or any other winter-themed party you're thinking of throwing.

The collection includes: party circles (small and large), invitations, a banner, an 8x10 welcome sign, water bottle wrappers, and mini chocolate bar wrappers.