Selected as Party of the Day on September 27th!
Super Paw Patrol Party
ByParty Recap
Party Highlights
What People Ate
What People Drank
Soft drinks
Party Cake
Britney G wrote:
I love this cake!! Would you mind sharing the steps to make this?? Thank you!
Flor S wrote:
Hi Britney! Nice to meet you! Sorry uf my english sometimes is no too good
Flor S wrote:
Oh! The autocorrector makes more mistakes Than me!
Bet G wrote:
How do I go about getting this template?
Flor S wrote:
Oh! I'm a graphic designer and I create own designs. If you Want, give me your e-mail And I can send to you this templates
Ashley S wrote:
Could you send me the templates (: [email protected]
Debbie H wrote:
Could you send me the template also? [email protected]. Our party is next Saturday!! Thanks, Debbie
Cassi M wrote:
This looks like an amazing party!!! Could you email the template to me also? [email protected]
Sandra F wrote:
Hello there can I get an email of the template? [email protected]
Jennifer B wrote:
Could you email me this template, too? [email protected]. Beautiful party! Many thanks!
La Quisha G wrote:
I absolutely love the theme and plan on doing this for my little boy birthday party coming up, where did you find those dog bowls from?
Flor S wrote:
Hi!! In Walmart, I just made The bones Stickers!
Flor S wrote:
I can't find The template, but next Friday I will have another Paw Patrol Party and I have create everything again. So, next week I can send it to you guys!
Teletha A wrote:
This party is what I want to do for my son's 3rd please send me the template too u did an amazing job
Teletha A wrote:
[email protected]
Katy P wrote:
So adorable! I would love the template too! [email protected]
Mariana G wrote:
!Hola! Te quedo preciosa la decoración de paw patrol, voy a festejar a mis niño y niña con ese tema, les encantan tus fotos. Vivo en Guanajuato. ¿ Como puedo obtener tus platillas? Muchas gracias, mi correo [email protected]
Flor S wrote:
Hola Mariana, claro que si. Tengo otras planillas. Esas exactamente no las encuentro. Dame oportunidad de buscarlas y te las mando. Saludos y mil gracias!
Jen S wrote:
Hi! My daughter loves Paw Patrol and wants to have a Paw Patrol party for her 3rd birthday next month. Would it be possible to get the templates e-mailed to me as well? Thanks so much! [email protected]
Ciara S wrote:
Hi, your party came out absolutely. I would really appreciate it if you could share some of your templates. The party is this Saturday, Feb 20th. My email is [email protected]. I work full time and this would help me so much!
Jefferitta P wrote:
I would love to have the templates as well...I'm having a paw patrol party next month! Thx & Awesome job! [email protected]
Flor S wrote:
Kelly H wrote:
Would love a template as well! Thank you so much for generously sharing! [email protected]
Andrea M wrote:
I would love to have a template too! Please! My 2 year old son wants a paw patrol birthday party!!! [email protected] Amazing job on the party decoration , absolutely love it Thank you!!!!
Michelle S wrote:
Would you mind sending me templates? [email protected]. Awesome party!
Tonia K wrote:
Can I please get the template for the " puppy chow". Thanks! [email protected]
Jane S wrote:
Please send me the template for this party! You did a great job, my son is turning 3 next month and wants Paw Patrol. [email protected]
Mattie R wrote:
Can you please send me the template ? [email protected]
Demi F wrote:
where did you get the dog bowls?
Flor S wrote:
Demi, un Walmart, but I madre The bone stickers And that's it!
Janina R wrote:
If possible I would like to get a template as well if you are still willing to share. My email is [email protected]. I would also be willing to pay for them. Thanks. Janina.
Judy H wrote:
Can you tell me where you found these doggy bag tags?
Flor S wrote:
Judy, I made this labels or tags Send me your email And I can send you Back ok?
Flor S wrote:
Janina I already sent the template to you
Megan M wrote:
Could you please send me templates also?! I'm making my sons 2nd birthday cake and this is perfection!!! [email protected]
Melissa J wrote:
Could you send me the template as well? I would appreciate it so much! Thank you :) [email protected]
Alicia K wrote:
Can I get a template of this please?
Flor S wrote:
Alicia, give me your e-mail Plis!
Heather S wrote:
Love this! Can you send me the template for the dog bags? So cute. [email protected]
Amy M wrote:
Can you please send me the templates for the doggie bags, the banner and the puppy chow? [email protected]. I'm planning a Paw Patrol party for my son next month. These are great! Thank you!
Doreen V wrote:
Hello what an awesome job you did on Paw Patrol!! Are you willing to share the template for doggy bag tags, puppy chow labels. What is inside the puppyy chow bags?
Doreen V wrote:
Sorry my email is [email protected]
Georgina M wrote:
Hello would you be so kind to email me the template for the puppy chow treat bags please. [email protected]
Michelle F wrote:
Hi you did an amazing job! Please email me all your templates for the Paw Patrol party. My daughter's 2nd birthday party is next Saturday and these will be great! [email protected]
Tracie D wrote:
That was totally amazing! Can you send me all the templates for the Paw Patrol party? We have a little boy who we have been taking care of who will be 1 in a few weeks and he absolutely loves Paw Patrol. I want to make this his best birthday ever. My email is [email protected]
Anita D wrote:
Can you please email me template for the Puppy Chow? [email protected] Thank you! :)
Yolanda W wrote:
Hello, will you please email me the templates used for this party. You did an awesome job!! My son's party is in 3 weeks, and its Paw Patrol as well! Please help me. :-) [email protected]
Annie M wrote:
Hello- I would love to get the puppy chow template as well!! My email address is [email protected]. Thanks so much!
Alanah J wrote:
Could you possibly send me the template for the doggy bags? [email protected]
Christie T wrote:
Could you email me the template? [email protected]
Christie T wrote:
can you email me the templates you used for this party? [email protected] thanks!
Casa Natalia wrote:
Christie I'll send you as soon as I can. XX
Cristen A wrote:
Hi I am in love with the template can you please email to [email protected] .. My sons birthday party is in 2 weeks! Thank you
Anna W wrote:
Can I please get the template for the Doggy Bag tags? [email protected] Thanks a bunch!
Amanda G wrote:
[email protected] Where did you find those bowls?
Stacey H wrote:
Can you please send me the template for the doggy bag tags?! [email protected]
Stacey H wrote:
Can you send me the template for the dog bags?! [email protected]
Andrea S wrote:
Hi! I love the puppy chow, bones, and doggy bag templates. Porfavor could you send them to me? [email protected]
Kristin W wrote:
I love your printables for this party and would to use them for my son. May I have the templates to use? My email is [email protected]. Thanks! Kristin
Kristin W wrote:
I love your printables! Can you send these to me? My son's party is this Saturday! Thanks! [email protected]
Barbara H wrote:
Love your Paw Patrol party. Could you please share your templates for your party. Will gladly pay you. Thank you! [email protected]
Rosa E wrote:
Hola! Te quedo increíble esta fiesta! La fiesta de mi hijo de 3 años es en 3 semanas y va a ser de Paw Patrol. Me podrías por favor mandar las planillas que usaste? Mi email es [email protected]. Mil gracias. Rosa.
Mary T wrote:
Would you please send me the template for the Doggy Bag? Many great ideas in your son's party; very creative. My email is [email protected] Thank You Mary
Kathy D wrote:
May i have the templates for my grandson party and the printables also would really appreciate [email protected]
Carrie B wrote:
Can I please have the templates? I am starting to plan my kiddos' birthdays for this year and would love to do Paw Patrol for my little man's birthday. Your designs are so cool. I would very much appreciate templates as well as directions you may be able to help with. [email protected]
G R wrote:
Hi, I am planning my son's 2nd Birthday can you share your template with me? [email protected]. very creative ideas
Kate T wrote:
Hi there, Firstly I wanted to let you know that your party looks amazing! I am having my sons 3rd birthday on Saturday and would love to use your doggy bag template, if you wouldn't mind sharing it - [email protected] Thanks in advance. Cheers Kate
Flor S wrote:
Thank you soooo much! I made this template in adobe illistrator! I hope you can open it And use it. Best regards Flor
Courtney L wrote:
This party is so awesome!! My son 3rd birthday is in July and he has fell in love with Paw Patrol. Can you please send me the templates in my email. [email protected]
Jessica A wrote:
I am having a paw patrol birthday party for my foster daughter and would love the templates. [email protected] Thank you so much!!
Lanari G wrote:
Hi, my sons birthday is in a couple weeks. I would love the temple you used. Can you please send me the temple? My email is [email protected] Thanks so much.
Lanari G wrote:
Hi, my sons birthday is in a couple weeks. I would love the temple you used. Can you please send me the puppy chow template. [email protected]. Thank you so much.
Vijaya B wrote:
Hi Could u share me the cake recipe ? My son birthday this week. What kind of Icing did you use for this cake?
Vanessa S wrote:
How did you make to cake step by step due to I really would like to do if for my little ones party thanks
Bri G wrote:
Wonderful job my little ones party is in 3wks can you possibly share the templates you used they are awesome [email protected] thanks Bri
Patricia R wrote:
I'd love the templates as well... [email protected]
Lisa S wrote:
Hi what size tins did you use, how much would you charge for a cake the same. Thanks
Dawn B wrote:
Would you mind sharing what tip you used for the buttercream please. Thank you❤
Alana U wrote:
Hi! I would also love the template for this, could you email this to [email protected] ? You did such a great job!!
Jan R wrote:
Awesome, fantastic party planning! Grandsons birthdays coming up. Would love templates and cake instructions. You are very talented! Thank you.
Courtney H wrote:
Hello!! My daughter is having a paw patrol party and I'm in love with your designs! Please please please email me!!!
Katie H wrote:
We are having a paw patrol party very soon. Could you please share your stuff with me (the template)? your party looks amazing. [email protected]
Ang J wrote:
I would really love a copy of this doggy bag tag template if possible too please. Do you still have this available?
Stephanie B wrote:
I'm so in love with your party! Would you mind emailing me the templates you used? [email protected]
Tanya D wrote:
Hi, you did a wonderful job with this party. I am absolutely in love. Would you mind sharing your template with me too. Please and thank you. My email is [email protected]
Lucille R wrote:
What a beautiful party I absolutely love everything!! Would it be possible to get the templates e-mailed to me as well? Thanks you so much [email protected]
Crissie W wrote:
Can I please have the templates for this party if possible?? [email protected]
Hillary C wrote:
So cute!! If you don't mind I would love to use the puppy chow template too! [email protected]
Erika H wrote:
Hola! Todo se ve increíble!!! Mi hijo cumple años en un par de semanas y me gustaría usar algunos diseños que utilizaste, podrías compartir las estampillas y los printables? De antemano gracias. [email protected]
Melissa C wrote:
Can I get the templates for everything you have? These are amazing and I cannot wait to see how my sons party comes out!! Thank you!! My email address is [email protected]
Katherinne C wrote:
Tienes algun tema de Paw Patrol para niñas? que me puedas enviar los templates o asi mi corres es [email protected]
carlathedreamer wrote:
Hola! Mi hija adora a los Paw Patrol y realizaremos su cumpleaños de este tema. Será que me puedes enviar los templates que utilizaste? [email protected] Muchas gracias
Christina B wrote:
hi..Can I get the templates for everything you have? These are amazing printables and very creative ideas I am hosting a Paw Patrol for my Nephew and these would really help me out. Thank you! my email address is: [email protected] thank you in advance.
Cici S wrote:
May I have the template as well? Many thanks! [email protected]
Jane D wrote:
Too cute! May I have the puppy chow and doggie bag templates? Email [email protected]. Thank you!
Arlene I wrote:
Hola Flor hay alguna menera de que me puedas enviar por email el template de DOGGY BAG para las bolsitas de sorpresas? [email protected]
Sherise D wrote:
You did a wonderful party. Can i have the template for puppy email address is [email protected] thanks again. Great job!!
Tharshini P wrote:
Hi, can I please get the template too. For the paw patrol theme party. [email protected] Thanks
Nereida G wrote:
Hi there! LOVEEE how eveything came out. How can I go about getting the templates you used? If it's not too much trouble can you please email me the info to [email protected] Thank you!
Emily R wrote:
I would love to use your templates for my sons 5th birthday. Do you mind sharing? [email protected]
Amy J wrote:
Could I get the template please [email protected] thanks!!!
Liz S wrote:
Hi! Where are your amazing white swirl cupcake holders from? Beautiful party!
Rara E wrote:
Hi! you did an awesome job on this party! I love the doggie bag tags so much! could you please email me the template [email protected]
Rara E wrote:
Can anyone send me the template if she emailed it to you!? Please please please! Badly need those favor bag tags for my son’s party! :) thanks!
Jessica D wrote:
May I please get the template for the doggy bag tag please? So adorable!!
Michelle C wrote:
Hello, I love the puppy chow bags! Any chance you could email me the template you used??? Thank you so much!!! [email protected]
Lauren W wrote:
Love the party especially the template could u ease email to me... [email protected] Thank you
Jennifer P wrote:
Amazing! I would love to have the templates you used. My email address is [email protected]
Stephanie T wrote:
Hi, if there is anyway you could send me these templates. I would greatly appreciate it! [email protected] Thank you Stephanie
Gracie M wrote:
Hi wondering if u Can email me this puppy chow template to my email [email protected] thank u
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