Party Recap
Party Highlights
What People Ate
Vocelli's Pizzia - Every variation imaginable! Dipped Strawberries - Some with nuts, some without! Adult Treat - Bread Pudding with a zesty "sauce" Celery and Carrot Stick Cups Red, Green and Blue Velvet Cupcakes M&M Cookie Pops Game Controller Cookies Candy Pops With a Twist and so much more!
Heavenly Bakery of Forestville and Greenbelt, Maryland made the most delicious and over the top birthday cakes. Yep, with an "s" as in CAKES!
Party Favors
Thanks to the brilliant idea of "J at your service!" for the awesome decals for the super sized goodie balls. Any and everything Super Mario and Sonic... and Game Truck was in the goodie balls...
Activities / Games
A moon bounce on one side of the club house and the GAME TRUCK on the other side... for double the extreme fun! Sonic and Super Mario Mascots were EVERYTHING special and kept the party going! Our parties always feature JolieFaces and their amazing artistry with face painting and balloon twisting. Big Kudos to our party helpers... they were awesome and a BIG help!
Party Helpers
Ceyonne Nicole
Party Planner and Designer
Wild Orchid Celebrations - Bowie, Maryland
Jollie Faces - Laurel, Maryland
Face Painter/Balloon Twister
Creative Party Designs LLC
Balloon Designer
Based in Upper Marlboro, Maryland! Dawn and team are always on top of the latest trend! The balloon was the wow factor that we were looking for... not to mention a clever way to cover up a huge fireplace. Thank you, Creative Party Designs for sharing your talents!
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