Strawberry Shortcake inspired Birthday Party!!

NoStressEvents By NoStressEvents  in Birthday


Party Recap

This party set up was very quick & simple.
We had about 25 guests including children.
each item was hand made including party boxes cake toppers center pieces & Custom Name letters for "Sienna"



  • no photo

    Heather G wrote:

    Hey! My daughter turns 1 in May and she's already obsessed with Strawberry Shortcake lol where did you get this party decor from? Thanks ! My email is [email protected] if you could drop the info there (:

  • Anna Sue P

    Anna Sue P wrote:

    Donde sacaste el fondo de la muñequita lo he buscado para comprarlo y no consigo es para el.28 si sabes me lo escribis o me envias un correo [email protected]