Selected as Party of the Day on July 1st!
Stars and Stripes 4th of July Party
ByParty Recap
How do you celebrate the 4th of July? In our home we keep it pretty simple, family, friends,
fireworks, food and of course a little red white and blue! With the 4th of July landing on Tuesday this year we decided to celebrate a bit early. It was hot this past weekend in Washington, in the 90's, and for this pacific northwest girl that is melting temperature! So we invited a few kids over to play for a slip n slide, candy eating good time!
For the fun afternoon ahead I set up a sweets table for the kids, with little cakes, rock candy and m&ms. It was such a hot day I had cups for them to refill with water as needed, but to make it fun I added cute straws and stir sticks. Some of the kiddos got creative and put their rock candy in their water, anything to make it sweet too.
For this hot day we set up a slip n' slide that the kids had a blast using! These sweet kids of mine giggled for hours on this thing and came up with so many fun games.
After all the water fun it was time to for a snack, the kids dug right in picking their favorite sweet treat.
After they were all sugared up and had more energy we played a game of bean bag toss. I think my daughters goal was to see how much she could inch toward the board before anyone would notice. Sly little thing.
We ended the afternoon laying on the grass with remnants of rock candy crumbs, blue lips and lots of giggles! Summer has arrived and we are ready!
This setup was easy to do with a little help from Oriental Trading. They have everything from decorations, games, crafts, candy, you name it! So the next time you are planning a gathering head to their site and see what you can create!
Happy 4th of July!
Party Highlights
Even as an adult I still love Little Debbie snacks, they make the cutest little desserts and usually have themed ones around the holidays. Making your party prep and clean up a breeze!
Activities / Games
Bean bag toss, Slip n' Slide
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