Selected as Party of the Day on September 20th!
Old School Hip Hop 2nd Birthday
ByParty Recap
My son loves music, especially anything with a great beat. We figured we would "kick it Ol' School", and have an Old School Hip Hop themed party for his 2nd birthday. The kids loved the music, and had fun drawing sidewalk chalk graffiti on the graffiti wall I made. Sweets table included cake balls, chocolate covered pretzels topped with sprinkles, and creme brulee shots. I was most proud of the boom box cake, because I made it myself, and I am far from a professional baker. The favors were the "Word to yo' mother" flashcards, which were basic words with a photo and the old school way of saying the word in small print below. These were hilarious and a big hit. The children also received mircrophones and their first "graffiti set", which were tub crayons.
Party Highlights
Best Moment
Watching all the little kids dance and jump around to the song Rapper's Delight.
Party Helpers
Bee*s Knees Parties
Party Planner
Anita Maffei
Ms_Tiniposh wrote:
So stinkin CUTE!!Love the Yellow and black! Those flashcards are the best and for not being a baker..that cake looks great!
Shalonda C wrote:
Love this theme. Great Job!
Nichelle K wrote:
Unique and pulled off BEAUTIFULLY !!!
Letillia S wrote:
This theme is HOT! I love it!!
Bernita W wrote:
How do I contact you about questions regarding the flash cards and projects you did for his party?
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