Party Recap
Luma turns 4 years old and she had a picnic to celebrate!
Party Highlights
What People Ate
Chicken and beef Skewers on the grill, potato salad, pretzels, chips and lots of picnic treats!
What People Drank
Water, soda and homemade punch!
Best Moment
Singing Happy Birthday to the Birthday Girl...she loved it!
Best Dressed
The Birthday Girl! With a handmade tutu and shirt that was made just for her!
Vanilla Brigadeiro Cake, Watermelon Jello in sliced limes, brownies, cupcakes, chocolate pops, bon bons, homemade brigadeiro and more!
Party Favors
We used lunch bags that we printed and filled them with crazy straws, magic growing bugs, magic milk straws, whistles, gummy bears and tons more!
Activities / Games
a magic show and bingo!
Party Helpers
A Class Act Event
Party Planner
1 comment
Christy M wrote:
Great pics! I'd like to print on brown bags too. How did you do it? Thank you!
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