Jackson's Drive-in Movie Party
ByParty Recap
For my son's 5th birthday we had a drive-in movie party in our backyard! Of all the parties I have put together, this ended up being my favorite. Making 20 "cars" from cardboard boxes was super time intensive, but the rest of it came together quickly and it was all worth it in the end. The guests enjoyed picking out their car and adding their personalized license plate and decorating it while we waited for it to get dark. The kids REALLY got a kick out of spending their play money at the concession stand and loading up their food trays with popcorn and treats. They purchased their movie tickets from the ticket booth and then settled into their cars to watch "Phineas & Ferb: The Movie".
Party Highlights
What People Ate
Popcorn, theater snacks (gummy bears, whoppers, sweddish fish, m&ms, reeses, junior mints)
What People Drank
soda & water
popcorn cupcakes
Party Favors
They got to take home their cars! Some of our guests kept them for over a year!
Activities / Games
Decorating & personalizing their cars and purchasing things from the concession stand. And of course the movie!
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