Selected as Party of the Day on December 19th!
Gingerbread House Party
ByParty Recap
Olivia has made a group of friends while we are in Alabama for 6 weeks and we were happy to host a gingerbread house party for everyone. All of the kids brought their own gingerbread house and had so much fun decorating! We ordered pizza and served chips and cookies and hot cocoa and wine, all of the yummy holiday goodies. While we have had fun in Alabama, I am more than ready to be settled. Preferably in a house with some white walls, haha, so that my photos showcase how pretty the party set-up really was. Until then, though, we’ll work with what we’ve got!
Party Highlights
What People Ate
Pizza, Chips
What People Drank
Hot Cocoa, beer, soda, water and wine
Marshmallows, Cookies, Candy Canes
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