Party Recap
From The desert cart to the Unicorn Pinata. I had a blast making everything and getting the reward of the biggest hug and smile from my not so little girl!
Party Highlights
What People Ate
-Unicorn Cake -Unicorn Cake Pops -Unicorn Donuts -Unicorn Bark -Unicorn Poop (Meringues) -Cotton Candy
What People Drank
Pink Lemonade & Lemonade (Unicorn Tears)
Party Favors
Custom Unicorn Cookies
Activities / Games
Cupcake Decorating Contest Hoola Hoop Contest Pinata
Party Helpers
Best friend
She kept me sane through it all :)
Teresita S wrote:
hi, where did you get the carty from?
Teresita S wrote:
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