Selected as Party of the Day on January 30th!
Baseball Bash
ByParty Recap
Party Helpers
Bash Party Styling
Party Planner
[email protected]
Selected as Party of the Day on January 30th!
Party Planner
[email protected]
Trisha C wrote:
Love love love every single detail of this party!!! Thank you so much for sharing!
Bash Party Styling * wrote:
Thank you so much Trisha C.! This is definitely one of my favorite parties - I appreciate the sweet comment!
Katie W wrote:
Love everything! Where did you purchase your baseball water bottles!?
Bash Party Styling * wrote:
Hi Katie! I picked up those water bottles at the Dollar Tree - but you might be able to find them at Oriental Trading Company as well. Thanks for the compliment! :)
Mac Kensie J wrote:
Hi! Everything is super cute! Where did you find your grass table covers?
Bash Party Styling * wrote:
Hi Mac Kensie! That's easy - you can get the artificial grass at Lowe's Home Improvement (where I purchased it) & probably at a Home Depot store as well. It will come in a large bolt & you just cut it down to the size you need :)
Mac Kensie J wrote:
Easy as that! I knew I had seen it some where! LOL! Thanks so much!
Nicky A wrote:
Where did you get the "grass"?
[email protected] wrote:
You did an AMAZING job on the baseball theme party.... love it. where did up get the baseball bats with bubble gum those are too cute!?.
Bash Party Styling * wrote:
Thank you so much - still one of my fav parties :) You can google "bubble gum bats" & see what you come up with but I found the best deal at Good luck! Monique
Bash Party Styling * wrote:
Hi Nicky - I purchased the grass from Lowe's - they sell it in the summer in smaller rolls but have it all year long usually that you can get cut by size. Hope that helps! Monique
Lisa D wrote:
This looks like it was so much fun! I was wondering where you got the mural of the fans that are behind your guests posing for pictures.
Bash Party Styling * wrote:
Hi Lisa ~ I purchased the backdrop from! It's a great backdrop!
Christie G wrote:
Where did you get the little baseball guys? Love them. :)
Bash Party Styling * wrote:
Hi Christie! I fell in love with them too - so cute & bendable too. I purchased them from Oriental Trading Company. Good luck! Monique
Regina L wrote:
So cute!
Regina L wrote:
Where did you get the back drop?
Sara G wrote:
Where did you get the awesome candy filled bats?? Awesome party!!!
Elizabeth S wrote:
please let me know where you got the candy filled bats!! awesome
Elizabeth S wrote:
what did you give as favors?
Elizabeth S wrote:
baseball cups? awesome
Bash Party Styling * wrote:
Hi Elizabeth - The candy filled bats came from and the "favors" were all the goodies on the table - boxes were for guests to fill up!
Yvonne G wrote:
Where can I get those cute cups?
Bash Party Styling * wrote:
Hi Yvonne - Sorry for the delayed response. I purchased those at a local dollar store in my area! Good luck! Monique
Titiana M wrote:
Hello, where did you purchase your cups?
Bash Party Styling * wrote:
Hi Titiana - I purchased the cups from a local Dollar Store. Good luck! Monique
Monica F wrote:
Where did you get the trophies?
Elisa P wrote:
Hi cute party! Please let me know where you got the bats..super cute..Thank you:)
Carmmel B wrote:
Where did you get the candy bars??
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