Selected as Party of the Day on August 24th!
Barbie Fashionista Birthday Party
ByParty Recap
Two beautiful sisters celebrated their birthdays together with a Barbie Fashionista themed party in shades of pink and purple. I had a wonderful time putting together this beautiful party and the look on the girls' faces when they saw the decor was the biggest compliment I could ever get. Thank you Roshini Perera of Cakes for bringing to life exactly what I had in mind with the cake, cake pops and mini cakes . You did a fabulous job Shaziya Kamil of Iheart craft with everything I asked for .Only you read my mind so well.I love working with you on all the crafts I ever need. You are my go to dessert person Sweet Wishes by Vish .The desserts were lovely. Thank you Ruvi Johnpillai-Forbes of Lotsa Dough for the amazing cookies. Hope you liked how it was wrapped up :) Thank you Gayani Jayaweera and the team of Super Kids-Havelock for all the support you always provide.It is a pleasure working with you. Thank you Khadhija Inshirah R for never letting me down and Esha Wewala for not saying no. Concept design & implementation : Raidha Raleen Mulafer of Impressions Image credits : Picture Poets .Thanks Loshaarn Chic-Chic Whora Bastian
Party Highlights
What People Ate
savouries and desserts
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