Selected as Party of the Day on August 24th!

Barbie Fashionista Birthday Party

Impressions Sri Lanka By Impressions Sri Lanka  in Birthday


Party Recap

Two beautiful sisters celebrated their birthdays together with a Barbie Fashionista themed party in shades of pink and purple. I had a wonderful time putting together this beautiful party and the look on the girls' faces when they saw the decor was the biggest compliment I could ever get. Thank you Roshini Perera of Cakes for bringing to life exactly what I had in mind with the cake, cake pops and mini cakes . You did a fabulous job Shaziya Kamil of Iheart craft with everything I asked for .Only you read my mind so well.I love working with you on all the crafts I ever need. You are my go to dessert person Sweet Wishes by Vish .The desserts were lovely. Thank you Ruvi Johnpillai-Forbes of Lotsa Dough for the amazing cookies. Hope you liked how it was wrapped up :) Thank you Gayani Jayaweera and the team of Super Kids-Havelock for all the support you always provide.It is a pleasure working with you. Thank you Khadhija Inshirah R for never letting me down and Esha Wewala for not saying no. Concept design & implementation : Raidha Raleen Mulafer of Impressions Image credits : Picture Poets .Thanks Loshaarn Chic-Chic Whora Bastian


Party Highlights

  • What People Ate

    savouries and desserts


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