Alice in Wonderland First Birthday

no photo By Heather A  in Birthday


Party Recap

Alice in Wonderland was the theme for my daughter's first birthday party. I had so much fun planning this whimsical and feminine party. We saved money by using free printables found online and making all of the food and decorations ourselves. It was a beautiful day!


Party Highlights

  • Best Moment

    The best moment of the day was watching our daughter dive into her smash cake!

  • Funniest Moment

    The funniest moment of the day was my husband's brother knock my sister over in the group photo!

  • Most Touching Moment

    Opening a gift from my daughter's great great great aunt. It was a bible that is meant to be carried on her wedding day.

  • Best Dressed

    The birthday girl wore a blue tutu and monogrammed onesie.

  • Desserts

    Our homemade birthday cake was triple layered with strawberry and lemon cake and topped off with cream cheese icing.

  • Party Favors

    We handed out white rabbit cellophane bags filled with white M&Ms and bubbles.

  • Budget

    Around $100! We did everything ourselves.

  • What People Ate

    I served "tea time" foods such as finger sandwiches, cucumbers and dip, and fruit. We also had lemon bars and cake.

  • What People Drank

    We served sweet tea, strawberry lemonade, and water


Party Helpers


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