
Scented Oil Drops - Fragrance Warmer Oil For Home Fragrance and Room Aroma

Everything Dawn Bakery Candle Treats By Everything Dawn Bakery Candle Treats

Product Info

Scented Oil Drops - Fragrance Warmer Oil - Fake Pie Refresher Oil - Fall Scents - Home Fragrance - Autumn Oil Scents

Experience long lasting bakery fragrance in your tart and oil warmer. I've created specially formulated blends to give you premium, long lasting scent that you'll love.

Each bottle is 1/2 (half) ounce. All you do is use the dropper and place a few drops into your warmer, and you have the most wonderful aroma that will last. A little bottle will last a long time.

Grab your oil warmer and experience long lasting, delicious fragrance!