
Address Correction Fee for Orders in Transit - UPS or FedEx

Truly Scrumptious Cookies By Truly Scrumptious Cookies

Product Info

This is the ACTUAL cost charged by FedEx and UPS to change addresses for packages already in transit.

➤➤ Please TRIPLE CHECK that the shipping address is accurate, complete and up to date! It's VERY easy to forget to update addresses in this digital age! Refunds will not be issued for delays or erroneous deliveries due to incorrect shipping addresses.

Cookies ship to the exact shipping address provided on the Etsy Order (gift addresses should be entered there.)

▪ To change a shipping address in transit - contact us immediately and we will work with the carrier to try to get the package rerouted. Timing is everything, and changes in transit are about 75% successful. The FedEx and UPS address correction charge is $18.50. You may also contact the carrier directly if we are unavailable.

▪ To change a shipping address not yet in transit - the original order needs to be refunded, and the order remade with the correct shipping address (the address correction fee will not apply in this case).

We want your cookies to be delivered exactly where you need them to you.
Thank you for your understanding!