

  • Morgan C

    Morgan C wrote:

    did you make this yourself? Did you spray paint the styrofoam balls? I tried and it melted my styrofoam! Thanks

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    Erica F wrote:

    I did make it. I just used regular spray paint...I think I put 3 light coats on allowing each one to dry completely before the next one.

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    Melanie W wrote:

    hi, what are the sizes of these styrofoam balls?

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    Erica F wrote:

    very good question! I have no idea. I just tried getting 2 different sizes. It's probably a 4 inch for the face and 2 inch for the ears??? Sorry I don't know much more...LOL!

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    Kathleen A wrote:

    I'm not sure if anyone is still planning on making this but, I asked my husband, and he said to cover the entire ball in glue before spraypainting it.