
Party Recap

Each guest got to pick out a wand and a book of spells. Then, they sat in a chair where they put on the sorting hat. I handed them an envelope and it said what house they would be in. After all the guests were equally divided into houses, we played quidditch in the backyard. The children also played a game where we had 10 white owl balloons. Each balloon had an envelope attached to it. The kids got to pick an owl. If their envelope held the train ticket to Hogwarts, they won a stuffed animal owl. We also played pin the scar on Harry Potter. This was a party that both children and adults enjoyed very much.


Party Highlights

  • What People Ate


  • What People Drank

    water, punch, sprite

  • Party Favors

    Wands, Book of Spell, Harry Potter glasses, White Owl ballooon

  • Activities / Games

    We played Quidditch in the backyard. The kids also received an envelope from a white owl and who ever had the ticket to Hogwarts, received a prize. Pin the scar on Harry Potter.


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