Selected as Party of the Day on March 10th!
Rustic Mickey
ByParty Recap
Party Highlights
Cupcakes, mini cheese Danishes, and ice cream.
Party Favors
Polka dot Kraft paper bags filled with Mickey Mouse candy.
What People Ate
Hot dogs, Frito pies, hot wings, chicken nuggets, French fries, fruit, and veggies.
What People Drank
Coke, Sprite, Root Beer, water, and chocolate milk.
Ms_Tiniposh wrote:
Very cute!
Heather L wrote:
I love every single thing about this party! Great job!!!!
Tikia F wrote:
Can you please tell me where you got this awesome jar?
Jennifer W wrote:
I actually made the jar:) I found the jar at Target, and the Mickey figurine at The Dollar Tree. I super glued the Mickey to the lid, then spray painted the lid and Mickey black. I also made the letters, using my Cricut and self stick vinyl.
Sara Y wrote:
can you tell me how you made the black mickey mouse on a stick
Jenny K wrote:
Did you use a special kind of spray paint? I was told that if I spray paint Styrofoam it would melt.
Jennifer W wrote:
It's just styrofoam balls glued together and glued to a wooden dowel. I sprayed the whole thing with spray paint I had on hand, which was chalk board paint. I didn't have any issues with it melting.
Samantha E wrote:
How did you make this banner? i love it..
Amanda C wrote:
Where did you find these adorable holders? I LOVE these...:-)
Amanda C wrote:
These hot dog holders too... great for that vintage look!
Melissa M wrote:
Where can I get the red pails with the Mickey sticks inside? Please help! Email me at [email protected]
Melissa M wrote:
Where can I get this banner and backdrop? Please email me at [email protected]
Melissa M wrote:
Where can I get this banner 'happy birthday'? Please email me at [email protected]
Jennifer W wrote:
I found the jar at Target, the Mickey Mouse figurine, at Dollar Tree, and I cut out the vinyl letters using my Cricut. I epoxied the Mickey to lid of the jar and sprayed it black.
Jennifer W wrote:
The backdrop is just polka dot kraft paper (I believe I bought from Hobby Lobby) I cut out a giant Mickey head out of black poster board, and I made the banner myself using my Cricut.
Jennifer W wrote:
The red pails I found at Target in the dollar spot, but they can also be found at Walmart, Hobby Lobby, Michaels, and party city.
Jennifer W wrote:
I didn't have any issue with the spray paint melting the styrofoam. I used chalkboard spray paint cause that's what I had on hand.
Jennifer W wrote:
I found the holders at Target dollar spot. They don't have them right now, u bought them last summer and figured I would used then some day lol.
Melissa M wrote:
Thanks! And what about those two yellow circles on them? And the black Mickey heads? And while I'm at it, what about the banner? LOL sorry... It's my son's first birthday and I want everything to be perfect.
Jennifer W wrote:
The banner I made myself using my Cricut die cut machine, but you could easily find patterns online and cut it out with scissors.
Jennifer W wrote:
The yellow circles are just yellow buttons I found at Michaels, I just hot glued them on. The yellow shredded paper is from dollar tree and so is the styrofoam that's inside the pail so the dowel will stand up. I got the styrofoam balls from Walmart and hot glued them together to make Mickey's head and just spray painted them black with chalkboard paint that I already had on hand. I pushed the dowel halfway through the head and put some hot glue around the bottom of the stick to hold it in place. Very easy to make.
Melissa M wrote:
Thank you so much! But sorry to ask... What's a cricut?
Jennifer W wrote:
It's a die cut machine that cuts out letters and images. I use it to make all my party supplies. It's a couple hundred dollars and you can find them at Michaels, Hobby Lobby, and online.
Melissa M wrote:
Thank you so very much!!! I can't wait to get started.
Melissa M wrote:
How did you get the font to match the actual Disney font?
Melissa M wrote:
Hopefully this will be the last question... Lol... Do I know the size of styrofoam you bought? Head? And ears?
Christine H wrote:
where can i find these ?
Jennifer W wrote:
Christine, I got mine from Kroger a couple of years ago. I have some leftover rustic Mickey Mouse party decor, including the plates I would be happy to sell you, if interested. You can email me at [email protected]
Xiomi G wrote:
Hi! Where can I get this menu from? Thank you
Fa R wrote:
do you still have the banner svg you can email me? [email protected] thank you!!
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