Ophelia's Wild and Three Rockstar Party

Amy P By Amy P  in Birthday


Party Recap

It can be hard to plan a party for little ones. They aren't quite ready to play organized games but you need a focal point. Our Rockstar party really took shape after we decided to build a stage. The kids had a blast rocking out, playing instruments and signing along to music. Fortunately my husband plays, so we had some live entertainment too. The most challenging aspect of this party was the food. We ended up using a purple and star shaped theme to tie everything together.


Party Highlights

  • What People Ate

    Purple jelly and peanut butter sandwiches, caramel pop-corn, star shaped sugar cookies, purple candy, tostitos and dip

  • What People Drank

    Grape Juice (purple and white)

  • Desserts

    Zebra cake

  • Party Favors

    Instruments, sunglasses, caramel popcorn, boa, lanyard with VIP

  • Activities / Games

    Performing onstage


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