Selected as Party of the Day on March 1st!
Monster High Scare-Riffic Party & Fashion Show
ByParty Recap
Freaky Just Got Fabulous! This was an amazing and SCARE-riffic Monster High Party and Fashion Show! We wowed the guests with anFANG-tastic decor set-up with props and KILLER style! There was a ghastly goodies station for the girls and ghouls, crafts to allow our fashion designers to create SCARY cute outfits, the BEAST photo ops, and a FREAKY FABULOUS Fashion Show at the end of it all!
Party Highlights
Best Moment
Seeing the Birthday Girl as the Star of the Show take on the runway and use her best moves at the end. Her smile and enjoyment was truly priceless!
Funniest Moment
Seeing our Dads on stage with their kids!
Most Touching Moment
Seeing the Mother of the Birthday Girl in Awe for her daughters big day!
Best Dressed
The Birthday Girl decked out in her Monster High Tutu Set and the Girls in Ghouls in their Monster High Fashions.
Cake, Candy, and More
Party Favors
Take your pick! There was nail polish, necklaces, fangs, bubbles, and more!
Activities / Games
Create your own Monster High Fashion Doll outfit and the big Fashion Show at the end!
Budget...what budget!?!?
What People Ate
Monster High Ghoulash Rice
What People Drank
Monster High Soda
Party Helpers
Party Lab Miami
[email protected]
3058125849 -
Julian Rose Media
[email protected]
Mayra C wrote:
Congratulations,Everything looks absolutely amazing. I love the fashion design theme (those ghouls are absolutely fabulous). The life size doll box and stand ups are such great props. Do you have any of the decorations or props for sale. My grand daughter would love a Monster High themed birthday. She turns 6 in June. Thank you for sharing.
Party Lab Experience wrote:
Thank you so much Mayra! We are a party rental company and only rent our decorations and set-ups. Please feel free to email us [email protected]
Michelle M wrote:
where can i find a jumper like this
Michelle M wrote:
how and where can i get centerpieces like this? is this homemade
Michelle M wrote:
Where can i find those life size figurines
Michelle M wrote:
can i find this in the number 8?
Michelle M wrote:
Love it!
Michelle M wrote:
Cute for girls but not sure if the boys will like. Sure, I'll figure out something.
Party Lab Experience wrote:
Hi Michelle! Thank you so much! We are located in Miami, the centerpieces and number are custom made items. The life-sized cutouts can be found on
Elizabeth P wrote:
Love the centerpieces!
Catherine H wrote:
Hi, what a lovely looking party, truly one to be most proud of. Did you know, that someone else has been using your images on their own company's website? Her website claims: "Our Photos Are Our Own." She has a profile on CatchMyParty and has been using other people's images from this site. Her name is Katie Brown, her profile is here: Her company is called Grumpy But Gorgeous Ltd (a UK company) and their website is One of your images is here: She has used images from other companies before, without their permission, so I thought you should know. All the other photos on that page have been taken from users on You can read about Katie Brown / Grumpy But Gorgeous and her previous businesses here (if you're interested): Pamper Party Scam Grumpy But Gorgeous aka gbgsalons: Borough girls awarded £20,000 from pampering party employer (Stourbridge News): Parents hit out at party poopers (Dudley News): Rubery girl's birthday party ends in tears (Birmingham Mail): Parents hit out at party poopers (Halesowen News): Mum:We were left disgusted (Kidderminster Shuttle): Princess and the pooper (Stourbridge News): Warning girls pamper parties Little Divaz uk: Catherine.
Party Lab Experience wrote:
Thank you so much. This is horrible and I am investigating now!!
Jessica H wrote:
Where did you purchase this Photo Booth?
Sherly G wrote:
Love his photo booth! Where did you get it?
Melissa D wrote:
Did anyone find out where I can purchase this?
Party Lab Experience wrote:
Most items in this party are handmade including the box. Thank you
Sofia L wrote:
This center piece are they homemade by you? If not homemade by you where would i be able to find the toppers of the center piece??
Eva B wrote:
How is that 6 made?
Lisa O wrote:
CuuuutE!.where can I order thise!?
Amber C wrote:
Do have of the decorations, life size cut outs, or anything left?
Desiray M wrote:
Love love love this!! A few questions: 1. How many kid guests did you have? 2. Did you ask guests to bring something monster highish to wear on the runway or did you provide them? If so where did you find you monster high wear? 3. How long was this party?
W B wrote:
I am interested in purchasing the life size Cleo de Nile, where can I get one made?
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