Selected as Party of the Day on February 27th!

Mila's Flamingo First Birthday Party

Marlene S By Marlene S  in Birthday


Party Recap

We celebrated Mila's first birthday party with a gorgeous Flamingo-themed party!

Thanks to the beautiful balloon arch by Nancy of Nancy Mantei Events, we were able to keep the rest of the decor needs pretty minimal! My aunt made the cake, we ordered a few cookies and catered the meal for everyone.

There was plenty of Champagne, kids, and we had a fun Photo Booth, too! I lucked out and stocked up on most of the decor months before the actual party. I found things at Target, Michael's and Hobby Lobby and so much of it was on sale!

Everything is linked on my blog (
Everyone had a great time and I was so happy with how it turned out. Her first birthday was a blast!


Party Helpers


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