Jewish Boy Third Birthday: Upshernish

Yael T By Yael T  in Birthday


Party Recap

A Jewish Boy's first haircut on his third birthday marks the change from babyhood to childhood. The black and white color palette (alluding to the fringes or tzit tzit which he will begin wearing at three years old) with a touch of bright blue, make this party a modern and fresh take on beautiful tradition.


Party Highlights

  • What People Ate

    merengues, flourless chocolate cake, cheesecake, pop corn, strawberries with chocolate, marshmallows dipped in chocolate

  • What People Drank

    lemonade and water

  • Party Favors

    Tzit Tzit bags filled with: chocolates in the shape of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, and with a coloring book on the Hebrew alphabet.

  • Activities / Games

    Pin the kippah and tzit tzit on the boy.


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