
Party Recap

Based on the clan motto "Je Suis Prest", which is old French for "I am ready".
I decided to add the tartan from the towel (which is actually a polar blanket) and the clay from rustic Portuguese crockery. I think that the set itself was quite interesting and everyone enjoyed having dinner by dim candlelight. The Christmas tree was decorated with wooden crests, with the "Je Suis Perst" symbol, the pendants are styrofoam balls lined with tartan flannel fabric, and the ribbons are chess ribbons, bought at a local haberdashery.


Party Highlights

  • What People Ate

    Codfish with potatoes, eggs, carrots and cabbage. All cooked, with water and salt and seasoned on the plate, with olive oil. This dish is traditionally eaten on Christmas Eve in Portugal.

  • What People Drank

    White Wine; Water; Coke; and Orange Juice

  • Desserts

    Rice pudding; Bolo Rei; and Chocolate Mousse


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