Party Recap
Besides dinosaur Inspiration, the styling was heavily influenced by my son's favourite colour! I also purchased some lovely striped ribbon, and I passed this onto Ashlee Rae in regards to designing the dinosaur printables.
Most of the dinosaur inspiration out there centres around earthly tones, so it was fun to brighten our 'prehistoric' friends up a bit!
Party Highlights
Activities / Games
The children all made dino hats to start off with. We the played pass the 'Dino Sack' and Dino Statues.
What People Ate
The Menu The menu was divided into 3 sections - Carnivore Diet, Herbivore Diet....and my favourite...Dessertivore Diet! Brachiosaurus Sausages Carnivore Diet T-Rex Red Relish All Dino Diets Veggie-saurus Mix Herbivore Diet Dino Dip Herbivore Diet Fruit-o-saurus Salad Herbivore Diet Dino-Dig Jellies Dessertivore Diet Fossil Cookies Dessertivore Diet Dino Cookies Dessertivore Diet Dino Bones Dessertivore Diet Dino Eggs Dessertivore Diet Volcanic Punch Juice Herbivore Diet Volcanic Pops Dessertivore Diet
What People Drank
Volcanic Punch
Party Helpers
Alison Lawson Cakes
Cake designer
AShlee Rae
Isabel G wrote:
Beautifully Crafted!
Marnie E wrote:
Hi... New to CMP, just wondering if there are recipes for the menu items featured? Id REALLY like to make the Dino eggs to go with the Dino cake my sister is making for my nephew. I've made meringue before so I'm guessing if it's that I could wing it but if there are recipes somewhere I'd far rather follow to get this great look!! ;) thanks
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