
Party Recap

We made crafts, had an outdoor obstacle course that involved the swimming pool, and served dinner to all attendees.


Party Highlights

  • What People Ate

    Mac and cheese, meatballs, and salad.

  • What People Drank

    Water and Yoo-hoo.

  • Desserts

    Strawberry birthday ale, ice Krispies, snowballs, snow cones, blue jello, gummies, sugar cookies.

  • Party Favors

    Frozen fruit snacks, frozen Grahm crackers, slap bracelets, frozen rings, mints.

  • Activities / Games

    Snowflake crystal growing (with borax), memory, and an outdoor obstacle course that involved trivia, cartwheels, throwing snow balls (from the snow cone machine) and a water piñata.


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