
Party Recap

My little man Ollie was turning 10 and just wanted to have a few of his best friends over for a sleepover rather than have a big party. I wanted to make sure that even though his party was a small one it was still super special. I named the party 'Camp Ollie'. I had shirts printed for each of his guests and set up our playroom with each child having their tent to 'camp out' in. When night time came the campers wore headlights outside to search for hidden plastic bugs and the kids also played a game of glow in the dark ring toss. A piñata is a favourite of my little Ollie so the kids had a good bash on one of those too. Just because the party was small didn't mean the party table couldn't be gorgeous so there were lots of little touches on there to make the party special. Campers took home a 'swag' of treats and were also able to take home their tents.


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