Party Recap
This party was a low key event my husband and I held for our friends! The idea was to recreate the classic "Middle School" Slumber Party feel with our adult friends! We chose B-Movies and decorated our space with cheesy plastic decorations!
Party Highlights
Best Moment
The best moments were by far provided by the photo booth! There were funky props and "Duck Faces" galore!
Best Dressed
Everyone showed up in their best Pj's so it was perfect all around.
For dessert I set up a candy bar with classic movie candy. We chose an assortment of Twizzlers, Junior mints, Swedish fish, etc. And let guest fill up treat cups with their favorites as we watched the movies! We also had Popcorn Cupcakes as the centerpiece that were a big hit!
Party Favors
The guest took home popcorn bags with their favorite popcorn creations in them! As well as goodie bags filled with their favorite movie treats!
Activities / Games
We collected an assortment of goofy movies and board games to play and watch throughout the night! We also had an old fashioned "dance off"!
Our budget was about $150 for this party, We spent $65 on sub platters, and a little over 40 for decorations, paper goods and supplies. The remaining 50 was beverages and candy. All the topping we used for the popcorn bar came from our pantry. The cupcakes were boxed mix and DIY template wrappers. Everything else was a crafted do it yourself!
What People Ate
We had Subs delivered to keep it simple, and Veggies cups, and deli salads. The main feature was the Popcorn Bar where we had over 20 topping available to customize your popcorn.
What People Drank
We set out buckets of wine coolers, Jones Flavored Sodas and Hard Ales. Guests also brought various fun drinks to pass and share!
Party Helpers
Norman Green
As always this party wouldn't have come together without my husband! Thank you for unloading all my supplies, hanging my decorations,and running me all around town!
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