50 Years since first Boeing 747 and Concorde.

Michelle C By Michelle C  in Anniversary Party.


Party Recap

I like to plan party-type foods for non-party reasons, too (any excuse). Most recently I have been thinking about anniversaries, so last year in 2019 it was 50 years since the Boeing 747 and the Concorde were released. With my son being a massive fan of the flight industry and both of these planes, I planned a 50th anniversary tea to celebrate.


Party Highlights

  • What People Ate

    Baggage Collection nibbles, Jet Stream (watermelon planes and blueberries on skewer), Fluffy Clouds (popcorn), propellors (lollipops), jet planes (lollies), Drinks Trolley (mini coke bottle lollies), planes (tubular lollies, stick gum and smaller lollies for wheels), plane cookies, cloud cover cupcakes, popcorn clouds, and an inflight meal. The inflight meal had wraps, salad, fresh fruit, potato bake and pretzels.

  • What People Drank

    Jet fuel (juice boxes).

  • Desserts

    A great day for flying (blue jelly and whipped cream).

  • Activities / Games

    We just watched a documentary on the Concorde afterwards.


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