
Tea party clipart, tea party, tea party commercial use, party clipart, vector graphics, tea party image, digital SVG, SVG, SVG files, By

Product Info

Clipart Tea Party/ Vector Tea Party/ Clip Art Tea

These images can be used digitally or in print. Great for for party invitations, website or blog graphics, birthday decor, cards, wall decals, nursery art, logo designs, birthday scrap booking, custom party invitations, greeting cards, stickers, t-shirts, wall art, print-on-demand fabric, web design, graphic design and anything else you can think of.

You will receive all CLIPART FILES files:

Saved separately in 6”x6” 300 dpi PNG files with transparent background

Saved seperately in 6” x 6” 300 dpi JPEG files suitable for all image software manipulation

1 EPS file fully customizable in illustrator or other vector based image programs

Saved separately in SVG files


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You may not share, sell or distribute our products.

This is a digital product, no physical product will be sent.

Products downloaded are not refundable.