
READ DESCRIPTION 3 oz Morning Sickness Chemo Relief Ginger Hard Candy Jewels Pieces

Custom Candy Creations By Custom Candy Creations

Product Info

Ginger is widely known for it's ability to settle down an upset stomach - whatever the cause! Pregnant women suffering morning sickness can carry a bag of hard candy jewel pieces in their purse, or keep a few lollipops handy to suck on as needed. This item is for a 3 oz re-closeable bag of jewel piece, which is roughly 75 pieces. They will be made to order.

Not all colors and flavors work together. Click this link to see which flavors can be which colors, or dye free:

Please indicate the date needed or 'asap' in the personalization section. The shelf life is about 3 weeks. Delivery usually takes 3-5 days in the US.