
Matching Birthday Board - Milestone Board

Printer Fairy By Printer Fairy

Product Info

This listing is for a Digital Printable Birthday Board that matches any theme in our shop.

Options available:

1. Personalized (I edit the board with your info for you, and send the design ready to print)
For this option, please send me a message or leave a note with your order with the info you would like to include
(feel free to let me know if you want to include different information)

-Name of your child
-Birthday date
-Things she / he loves
-Favorite Food
-Favorite Colors
-Things she / he can do

2. Editable template using Corjl (I create the editable template in Corjl for you to add the info)

*This listing is only valid for designs that matches existing themes in our shop. If you have a different project in mind or have any question please contact me before purchasing.