
Interfaith Holiday Gift Cookie Cutter Set | Holiday gift for friends, coworker and neighbor | Hostess gift

WithASpin - Islamic Home Decor and Gifts By WithASpin - Islamic Home Decor and Gifts

Product Info

A great gift that teaches about about the various interfaith holidays celebrated around the world. Makes a great gift for non Muslim friends and neighbors.

We live at a time when people of interfaith backgrounds are interacting with greater frequency than ever before.

With this Holiday Cookie cutter set, you can hope to bring people together across divides of religion, culture and nationality with Love, Unity and Respect; one cookie at a time.

Set includes 4 premium stainless steel cookie cutter set -

Christmas tree - Symbol of Christmas celebrated by Christians
Dreidel - Symbol of Hanukkah celebrated by Jews
Diya - Symbol of Diwali celebrated by Hindus
Lantern - Symbol of Eid/Ramadan celebrated by Muslims