
Adoption Gift * Adoption Journal * Adoption Gifts * Adoptive Parents Gift * International Adoption * Domestic Adoption * Cover #3

Spunk & Love By Spunk & Love

Product Info

We know that every adoption story is unique! With that in mind, we did our very best to make these adoption journals appropriate for each special adoption story. Please select "domestic", "international" or "foster to adopt" on the drop down menu so we can tailor your book to your special journey.

► Our adoption journals are 8.5" W by 7.25" H with the interior pages being 7.25" by 7.25", making it the perfect size to keep nearby and close-at-hand.

Our lay-flat design and simple prompts add to the manageability of our products. Pages accommodate up to 4"x6" photos; 3"x5" and 3x3" or 4x4" square prints also work well.

► Your book will have a front cover just like the one pictured in the main picture and a back cover just like the one in the last picture. (Pssst...we can place any cover shown in the shop on an adoption journal. If you want to switch it up, let us know which cover style you like in the message box at checkout)

► There's also an envelope in the back of each book to hold additional photos and other small mementos.

Your book will contain the following sections, printed using a high-quality printer on premium, bright-white card stock (52 pages total):

/// our journey ///

► two page journaling section about your road to adoption,
► a place for a "we are waiting for you" family photo
► all about mommy
► all about daddy
► note from daddy
► note from mommy
► blank page for you to include any additional memories (note from a sibling, additional photos, etc).

/// waiting for you ///

► "first steps" section to journal about making the decision to officially adopt
► a fill-in adoption to-do checklist,
► a page to journal about your home study
► note from daddy
► note from mommy
► a page to write about how you are adopting (agency, etc)

/// we're matched ///

► two-page "finding out" section to write how you found out you were matched, how you felt, who you shared it with, etc.
► a page to write about names you like, nursery ideas, etc.
► a photo page to show your child's room
► map (either US or world) & two heart stickers to show the journey from you to your child
► some blank journal pages
► note from daddy
► note from mommy
► a page to write down some last minute thoughts before meeting your child
► "what we know about your birth family" journal page (this page is optional and can be selected using the "birth family info" drop-down menu on this page)

/// welcome home ///

► Now that your child is here you can place a sweet photo on the first page of this section and also record his or her name, birthday and the date they came to you (no height/weight to accommodate adoption of older children).
► journal pages to write about the first time you saw your child, first visitors, etc.
► first family photo
► 4 pages to place pictures of your child with visitors or other memorable moments
► 2 lined journal pages to write down more of your child's arrival story or write them a sweet note letting them know how glad you are they are here!
► "bringing you home" page
► a "celebrating you" section to document your shower or other celebration
► "it's official" pages to record photos and memories from the day your child officially became a part of your family.

Check out our other adoption journals to see additional page views:

FOSTER TO ADOPT: If you select this version of the journal, the name/nickname page will be removed since your child will most likely already have a name when they are placed in your care and verbiage will reflect fostering.

Please send us a convo if you have any questions about our books. We’d be happy to hear from you!© Copyright of Spunk & Love® 2022