Party Recap
Sweet Liv's first birthday in Williamsburg Brooklyn was a Parisian patisserie themed soiree. Filled with sweets, light, and love. Laduree macaroons and french desserts were the centers of attention of this lovely party.
Photography by Paula Ortiz @bufotos
Styling & planning: @sistersinstilettos
Venue: Giando on the water
Sweets: @valscookiecanvas_
Wooden cart: @jl_craftdesign_llc
Party Highlights
What People Ate
Giando on the water caterer delicious Mediterranean meals
What People Drank
An open bar for the adults and organic summer infusions for a non-alcoholic alternative
Desserts by @valscookiecanvas_
Party Helpers
Paula Ortiz BU! @bufotos
The greatest family and lifestyle photographer in NYC
Sisters in Stilettos
Party Planner
Stylish and impeccable planning @sistersinstilettos
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